Vehicle Parts, Tires & Accessories Listing Fees

To continue Kijiji’s top-quality classifieds experience, we have limits to the number of free ads each household or business can post in the Vehicle Parts, Tires & Accessories categories. If you need more, you’ll be able to go beyond the limit for a small flat listing fee. No muss, no fuss, more ads!


When Fees Are Required

Listing fees are applied if a member’s household or business goes above the ad limit in Vehicles Parts, Tires & Accessories. When a 21st ad is created, a listing fee will be requested before it’s posted.

The affected categories are:

CategoryAd Limit Per Category
Vehicle Parts, Tires, & Accessories (including any ads in Tires & Rims)20 ads
Tires & Rims8 ads

Note: Ads posted in Tires & Rims count towards the 20-ad limit in Vehicle Parts, Tires, & Accessories. For example, if you post the full limit of 8 ads in Tires & Rims, you will only be able to post 12 more ads in the rest of the Vehicle Parts, Tires, & Accessories subcategories. If you have 16 ads already in Vehicle Parts, Tires, & Accessories, you will only be able to post 4 ads in Tires & Rims before you hit the 20-ad limit.


Run Time of a Listing Fee

Listing Fees grant your ad a full 31-day period before they will need to be renewed and the listing fee will need to be applied again. If one of your free ads is removed during that time, one of your paid ads may then be reposted for free.


Leaving Ad Limits Behind

If you need to continually post a large volume of ads, you may want to look into our Kijiji for Retail solutions.

Kijiji for Retail makes it easy for businesses and high-volume sellers to take greater control of their Kijiji listings. It also offers enhanced selling options like posting one ad in multiple regions across Canada, a sleek new Ad Manager, and fixed positions in all relevant search results! Learn more about Kijiji for Retail, and how it can help you better reach the audience you need.

If you’re new to Kijiji or have questions about the ad posting limits, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

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