Saved searches are a great way to save time and still get in on the best deals. When you save a search, you’ll receive a notification to let you know how many new ads matched your search criteria. Notifications are sent out every 12 hours for each individual saved search.

Setting Up a Saved Search

  1. Sign in to your account on Kijiji Autos.
  2. Begin a search using as many filters as you want.
  3. Click Save Search at the top of the search results page.

Editing Saved Searches

Saved searches currently can’t be edited. To change a search, set up a new one and delete the old. To do this quickly, open the saved search, then edit your filters on the search results page. When it’s set up the way you want, click Save Search again to set up a new one.


Deleting Saved Searches

  1. Make sure that you’re signed into the same account you used to set up the saved search.
  2. Click on the user menu (the button showing your user name).
  3. Select My saved searches.
  4. You’ll see a list of all the saved searches you have under that account. Click on the down arrow to see the details of each saved search. When you’ve found the ones you want to remove, click Edit.
  5. Click on the empty box next to the each of the searches you want to delete.
  6. Click Delete.


After you set up your saved search, a new notification will be sent out every 12 hours as long as new ads matching your filters were posted. Notifications will appear as a push notification on your mobile device (if you have the Kijiji Autos app) as well as a dot over the Notification section of your account in a browser.*

To see your saved search results in a browser:

  1. Make sure that you’re signed into the same account you used to set up the saved search.
  2. Click on the user menu (the button showing your user name).
  3. Select Notifications.
  4. Click on the saved search notification you want to view.

*You are able to opt-in for email notifications for saved searches; this option is located directly on the Saved Search page. 
*If you would like to keep your saved searches but remove notifications, this option is only available via the Kijiji Autos app.

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