Kijiji Price Analysis |
Comparing prices when buying vehicles can often be time consuming and challenging. Some makes and models have different features, and then you have to consider each vehicle’s available history – such as its number of kilometres. The Kijiji Price Analysis feature can help!
How Does It Work?
We compare the seller's price to the average market price provided to us by CARFAX Canada. The CARFAX Canada average market price is based on what others paid for similar vehicles of average condition. It factors in the vehicle's VIN or year, make, model and trim, and adjusts for odometer, location, and real-time market fluctuations.
Once we’ve received CARFAX Canada’s average market price for a used vehicle, we add a label as a quick way for you to identify how the listed price compares to the average price.
There are 4 types of labels you’ll encounter on the site:
If a vehicle is labelled as Higher Price, it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth taking a look. Sometimes a vehicle may be over the average market price provided by CARFAX Canada because it’s had an expensive part replaced, or it has special features that similar vehicles don’t have. If it’s within your budget, don’t hesitate to reach out to the seller to find out more!
No badge on your listing?
If you don’t see a label on your listing, please add the VIN number so it can be rated as part of the Price Analysis.
Any additional questions, please contact us to find out more.