Why can't I find my listing?

After investing time and effort in creating your listing, it's natural to want to see how it appears to potential buyers or monitor its performance. Here are some tips to help you locate and verify your listing:

1. Your listing might be delayed, pending or on hold

New or edited listings may take some time to go live. Don't worry if you don't see your ad immediately. If you've paid for a feature, it will activate once the ad goes live.

Check if your listing is "pending" by going to "My Ads/Listings" and clicking on the "Inactive" tab. You may need to pay an additional fee to publish your listing. Click "Activate Ad" and provide your payment details.

For more information on listing fees, refer to these resources: On Hold:
If your listing is placed on hold, you should receive an explanatory email. Contact our customer service team for assistance in resolving the issue.

2. Your search criteria may need to be modified

Even if you can't immediately find your listing, it's likely still active and searchable. Keep these points in mind:

  • Set your location to the specific neighbourhood associated with your ad.
  • Avoid searching in too large an area, as this can make even high-ranking listings difficult to find.
  • Ensure the keywords you use in your search match the exact language in your listing. 

If you've added features to your listing, consult these helpful articles:

3. Your listing might not be connected to your account

If you can't see your listing on the "My Ads/Listings" page:

  • Ensure you're signed into the correct account by checking "Account Settings/Personal details."
  • Verify that the email shown matches the address that received the "Your Kijiji Ad Is Active!" confirmation email.
  • If you're signed into the correct account but still can't see your listing, check your email. In case your listing was removed, you should have received an email explaining why.

By following these steps, you can effectively track down and manage your listings. If you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team for further assistance..

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