Real Estate - Professional Subscription Benefits

Advertise on one of Canada’s most visited rental sites. Get your properties in front of millions of Canadians finding their homes on Kijiji every day. There are many benefits to signing up to our commercial program if you’re looking for an easier and more cost-effective way to manage your properties.

Here’s why you should consider Kijiji’s subscription offering: 

Save money by getting discounts on features

  • Volume Discounts - For clients committing to subscription packages, Kijiji will provide a discount based on your posting volume.

Seamlessly generate, track and turn prospects into tenants through a robust business platform

  • Kijiji My Business Manager is an industry-tailored listing management tool that operates as a centralized dashboard for team collaboration. It can also be used as a decentralized hub to help allocate listings and features between team members.
  • Automatic XML Feed to Kijiji - List your units manually with our easy-to-use professional ad management tool, or syndicate listings from your website using a third party service to automate the publishing of your vacancies.
  • Detailed Monthly Billing - Receive a monthly report with your bill that contains detailed accounting information. Rather than charging per transaction, our monthly billing makes accounting for your Kijiji investment quick and efficient. Payment via. credit card, cheque, or wire transfers are all accepted.
  • Advanced reporting - View an in-depth overview with extensive dimensions and data points to help drive better results for your business. You can also generate a custom report that allows you to zoom in particular properties and generate more detailed data to understand performance and ROI, however you measure.
  • Scheduled Features - Automate your features, like Bump Up, at key moments to increase exposure. Let our system take care of getting your ads seen, while you take care of your customers.
  • Call Tracking and Missed Call Alerts - Mask your phone number with a local tracking number that provides data insights on all calls from Kijiji. Don’t worry if you miss a call, just turn on Missed Call Alerts, to get all the information you need for a successful call back!

Entice more prospects by making your brand front and centre

  • Logos - Add logos to your account, or property to increase exposure for your portfolio. Logos can be added to the search results page, to your gallery page, and to the individual units that are listed.
  • Tagline Feature - Customize your ads with a tagline that can be used to highlight promotions, features, and amenities. Taglines are displayed beneath the description on the search results page.
  • Additional Photos - All Kijiji My Business listings can support up to 40 photos.
  • Badges - Make your listings stand out with an eye-catching tile that’s exclusively available to subscription members. Choose one of 15 labels like “Perfect for students” or, “Luxury Rental”.
  • Photo Showcase - This feature is available exclusively to subscription members. Automatically include up to 8 additional thumbnail photos to your search results listing card to attract more potential tenants.
  • Virtual tours and video - Add a 3D tour or video powered by Matterport, GRYD, or Youtube to help make sure you get the most qualified tenants inquiring about your property.

And if that is not enough, there’s more

  • Specialized Support - As a subscriber, you’ll also have direct access to our knowledgeable support team by email or phone. Your dedicated Account Manager will be able to provide industry expertise, data insights, and help optimize your listing strategy.
  • Free Website Link - All ads listed can include a link directly to your website on your listing and gallery page.

Contact us to get started!

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